Friday, October 17, 2008

Ho Hum Diddle Dum....

Brent's off work today so we're pretty much just hanging around at home for now. Later we might go out to eat though. We've been wanting to try out a local restaurant called "Puffin". It's supposed to be pretty amazing lol. I'm not sure what they serve though.... hmmm lol

You'd thing there would be more ethnic Korean places around, but because of the military base everyone seems to cater towards Americans. There's a Teriyaki joint, Chinese, Thai, Italian, and pretty much whatever else you might fancy, plus the added bonus of everyone knowing at least enough English to understand your order. That last factoid is VERY important since, although I'm Korean-born, I was adopted and therefore do not know a word of Korean (except for "kam sa ham ni da", and going around thanking everyone all day, while polite, really gets me nowhere....)

As far as crafting goes, I'm kind of in a knitting stand-still right now after completely frogging mitten I was making for my mom (pity I hadn't found this article an hour sooner *exasperated sigh*). I was within 10 minutes of it being totally finished too! See? :(

^ As you can see, I wasnt paying attention (I think I need to cut back on the crime shows) and I placed the thumb opening 10 rows too high. Brilliant, Holly. Just brilliant....

^ I entitled the flickr picture "Right Before the Carnage...." =P *sighs*

So yeah. I really really hate frogging stuff (even just a mitten) so it was kind of hard for me to motivate myself to pick up the needles again to redo it lol. How did I manage you ask? Well my package from knitpicks making it's way to my door helped ALOT =D

^ My new and shiny set of interchangeable circulars!!! Yay!!! Now to tackle learning this "Magic Loop" nonsense everyone raves about ;)

^ And lots of random accessories (get to know me and one of the first things you learn is my intense LOVE for zee accessories haha =D)

I also bought the $20 binder thingy to go with the needles, but I must say that, while very attractive, I am SORELY disappointing! Its really.... STIFF! It's really difficult to unzip and the ziplock pockets inside are that way too! In fact, 5 of the 6 zip thingys broke off when i simply tried using them! Ugh... I have emailed knitpicks about this, but I don't really know what to expect. I've been having issues with my Harmony Woods too :(. The lacquer is starting to wear off after only 1 or 2 uses, and its getting difficult to knit smoothly (Does anyone know how to fix this? Like a polish of some sort or something?).

I always feel terrible emailing these companies about an issue. Its like basically saying "Hey your product leave something to be desired and you need to fix it right now" lol. I totally love knitpicks too! Ah well... even if they can't/won't so anything though, at least I've brought it to their attention... :/

I shall depart now, since this entry is a lot longer then I expected lol. After we go out to eat, I'll post a mini review! :)

Stay tuned for some eye candy!

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