Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blogspot, My Old Friend! (Somewhat of an Intro)

First of all, I probably shouldn't admit how LONG I agonized about a good name for this blog.....

But it had to be something that I will timelessly enjoy as well as something people won't inwardly groan and roll their eyes at when they read it lol. So there you have it. I mean, seriously.... who doesn't love bright sparkles.... x]

Its actually not even that fantastical haha. Just enough to keep me happy though, I think ;). But anyways... enough of me obsessing over my username haha....

This Blog is dedicated to my knitting. and sewing. and crocheting. and origami.... and whatever else I wanna put on here basically lol :]

You'll be able to experience all the RAW EMOTION of me tackling my projects! Lucky you! xD

With that note... I end here. I'll probably write a few more separate posts about randomness just to fill up the page and make everything feel a bit more lived in though haha :)

nothing worse then a sparse knitters blog *tear*

Now off to come up with an acceptable layout.... <3

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