Its true. I am a bit of a snob. Not gonna lie. I love love love soft soft super soft yarn (silk, angora, merino, etc...) and USUALLY that means it comes with a super grande serving of PRICE. I avoid acrylic yarn like the plague and I only use red heart and lion brand for amigurumi (NO stretch what so ever = good yarn for toys). If a yarn is INSANELY dirt cheap (not on clearance. just.... naturally cheap) I have been known to breeze on by because of it. I am sure I have been missing out at times because of this fact too. I'm trying to do better about it *hangs head. I do so love my knitpicks though :)
2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I don't spin (wah) but am planning on learning once I move back to the States. As for crocheting.... I've done that longer then I've knit, actually :)
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
Pollen makes me sneeze and certain kinds of mold makes me nauseous. Also... bee stings get really fevered, raised, red, and itchy.
4. How long have you been knitting?
Since I was about 8 or 9
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yep. I have one on :)
6. What’s your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Hmmm... for candles and stuff? I really like fall-type candle scents for some reason. like "apple cider" or "pumpkin spice".... yum ^_^. I like simple smells and I dislike scented things that smell nothing like what they claim. Take "watermelon" for example.....
7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Preeeetty much lol
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
Hmm. Well since I have limited resources here in Korea, I am sticking with knitting. Its nice and easy to buy stuff online for. Once I get back to the states though, I'll def pick up my sewing, book binding, painting, amigurumi, beading, clay, wire crafts, etc.... YAY! I am SORELY missing my other crafts O_O
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s?
Doesn't everything play Mp3s these days? haha :) I like a lot of different music. Techno, oldies, rock, showtunes, opera, indie, vocal..... I'm not picky as long as its good and can still be considered "music". Although I have been known to like japanese pop, which a lot of people consider to be obnoxiously awful lol
10. What’s your favorite color? Or–do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can’t stand?
Purples, greens, and black. I like colors that remind me water, trees, or fruit lol. Not a fan at all of drab colors like "tan" or "beige". I'm not a fan of pastels either....
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Just Brent and I (yaaay ^_^). Technically no pets, but I do have a bunny back in the states my sisters are taking care of. Bunny will join us when we move back, perhaps along with my sister's cat (if Brent lets me heehee)
12. What are your life dreams?
Well I'm already married to my man :). Otherwise.... I don't know. I would really love to go to the Redwoods someday. Also New Zealand, and while I'm there I want to do the super geeky thing and visit the areas where Lord of the Rings was filmed. Don't hate on me ;) haha
13. What is/are your favorite yarns to knit with?
I love knitting with Crystal Palace's Merino 5 yarn! Noro Silk Garden is a favorite also, DESPITE the high maintenance washing instructions. I also really love "Swish" by knitpicks. It's the perfect yarn to knit winter gear for people who don't pay attention to washing instructions! *cough*myfamily*COUGH* ;)
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I'm not picky as far as FIBERS go, but I'm REALLY picky about the feel. If it doesn't feel good to me, I won't knit with it no matter HOW good it was rated.... =P
15. What is/are your current knitting obsessions?
Fingerless gloves, Mittens, Cowls, and Slouchy Hats :]
16. What is/are your favorite items to knit?
I really enjoy smaller projects that are easy to knit while watching TV, but not totally mindless....
17. What are you knitting right now?
Oh man... don't even make me list it all. I have so many projects right now, due to Christmas being right around the corner. AH! O_O
18. What do you think about ponchos?
They're now a thing of the past. With that said.... I'd still knit and wear one if I liked the pattern and if it was nice and comfy ^_^
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
It sort of depends on the projects, but I usually lean towards circs. I definitely have more circs then straights. The straights that I do have are either 10" or 12". I remember when I first learned to knit on huge colored aluminum needles that were about 14-16 inches long and anyone sitting next to me on the sofa risked being bonked in the face. Yay for learning to knit lol
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
My straights are bamboo. My circulars are the interchangeable nickel-plated. Tis how I like it.... :]
22. How did you learn to knit?
I taught myself after I learned to crochet :)
23. How old is your oldest UFO?
hmmmmm...... a year or so? I would finish it but it's back home in the States :(
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
Favorite animated character is a REALLY hard one. I suppose my favorite LATEST one is Wall-E lol. I like most animals, but favorites would be bunnies, otters, and squirrels ^_^
25. What is your favorite holiday?
I love love love the warn fuzzies, happiness, and good cheer of the entire Christmas season xD
26. Is there anything that you collect?
Yarn, Quirky Asian Stuff, Swarovski Crystal Beads, Crafting Books, Sharpies, Colored Pencils, Purses..... Wow. no wonder my room was always such a mess lol
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
None, actually. I know there's great ones out there, but I never actually took the time to subscribe lol. I've never been a fan of monthly payments.... :(
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Any books? Oh man.... There are SO many. I love books but I don't actually OWN that many. I really do love craft books, but one can only own so many haha. I also eventually want the "Redwall" series in it's entirety. I know they were written for tweens.... but I still think they provide a good read :)
29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven’t bought for one reason or another??
Not really. There's a few SEWING patterns I want, But as far as knitting goes, I usually just...... uh oh. Ignore what I just said.... I forgot about the one knitting pattern I want that I don't have. The "Bobble Capelet" from the book, Tahiki Montana: Terra Collection. The thing is.... I absolutely hate it when a book has ONE pattern I like, and then the rest I... uh... don't. So yeah.... That's why I haven't bought it. True Story :(
30. What are your foot measurements, and what kind of socks do you like?
Hmmm I dunno. I wear about a size 8 in shoes & I have a pretty high arch though. I usually go barefoot or just wear normal cotton joe-boxer ankle socks from walmart, but I LIKE unique and colorful socks. Either knee socks or ankle socks. Never in between haha
*** THE END ***
Ps. I have decided to change a few of my winter projects (a shocker, I know lol). I'll write more on that once I recover from this meme (x_x) :)
Pps. OH! I forgot my other news! Brent bought me a JVC Everio camcorder as an early Christmas present! This means I can start doing VIDEO makeup tutorials on youtube now, instead of just slideshow ones. Makeup is my other hobby FTW :)
Pps. OH! I forgot my other news! Brent bought me a JVC Everio camcorder as an early Christmas present! This means I can start doing VIDEO makeup tutorials on youtube now, instead of just slideshow ones. Makeup is my other hobby FTW :)
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